Matt Gilliard Sensei
Matt Gilliard Sensei has been studying a combination of Yoseikan Budo and Gyokushin Ryu since 1993. He was promoted to Shodan (1st degree black belt) in 2002, Nidan (2nd degree black belt) in 2004, Sandan (3rd degree black belt) in 2013, Yondan (4th degree black belt) in 2017, and Godan (5th degree Black Belt) in 2019. He was awarded the title of Shihan Dai in 2019 as well. He has trained extensively with the Director of the United States Yoseikan Budo Association, Dr. Glenn Pack, Shihan and Ms. Patricia Saiz, Shihan. Gilliard Sensei most recently trained at the hombu dojo in Shizuoka, Japan in October 2016 & 2018, Montreal, Canada in 2017, Verona, Italy in 2022, and at the USA World Conference 2023 in Huntsville, Alabama, all under Grandmaster Terumi Washizu.. Gilliard Sensei’s rank can be verified with our parent organization here: